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Direct “Lumpy” Mail: Mini Trash Cans

The biggest advantage of working with direct mail is that you are able to target a particular market. You are able to choose specific companies that you want to do business with.

So you’ve pin pointed your target market but how do you get them to open your mail instead of throwing it into the junk pile? To increase your direct mail open rate, make it lumpy. Make it bulky and fat so that the client is curious as to what’s inside.

The Mini Trash Can is the perfect “Lumpy Mail” piece. Encourage people to reduce waste by using it for environmental or recycling campaigns. Promote proper electronic waste recycling by using the mini trash cans for computer campaigns. A lot of people are unaware that is environmentally unsafe to throw away computers and electronics. It is also great for financial planning campaigns. You can use tag lines like “don’t trash your credit” or “stop throwing money away”. It is also a good product to promote identity theft protection plans.

The mini trash can has many uses too! It is a fantastic desktop accessory. Great for random desktop “garbage” like paper clips, pens or even candy.